Thursday, April 15, 2010

Awesome Tool to Automate and Testing

Tool to Automate and Testing

I was working on a migration project on Cloud computing and need to download and upload lots of files from old configuration. I tried using load runner and many other tools to automated this activity but didn't get desire result so i was searching for solution to automate the process of login to a website and dump the data and then verify the content of data and rename the files based on variable increment .

I came across the tool BadBoy . You can download the software from here .

The best thing about the tool is free to use for single use and provide many features.

Find the more about features here

I will soon post the automation script examples and variable utilization.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

VMware Tools installation fails on 64-bit Linux

VMware tools may fail to start on 64 bit system if you have glibc-common 32 bit rpm installed mainly if you have Oracle Apps, Oracle Database , or any other ERP installed.

Follow these steps :

1. Untar the VMware tools.
2. Compile the VMware tools using install script.
3. Link the correct libraries

#ln –s /usr/lib/vmware-tools/lib64/ /lib64/
#ln –s /usr/lib/vmware-tools/lib64/ /lib64/

4. Run the
5. You should be all set.

All Web Servers Tutorials Will be publish Under this category

All Web Servers Tutorials Will be publish Under this category

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Zenoss Oracle Monitoring

Zenoss Oracle Monitoring

Hi guys i thought i will submit the Zenpack through which i am monitoring Oracle , i wanted to submit this to Zenoss ,but someone already came up with some other zenpack . i am working on getting Oracle Apps monitoring will release next month .

Here are some key Points for installation of this Oracle Zenpack .

Download the below files from these location .

Oracle Script ( Someone gave me the initial Script and i modified it as per my requirement .)

Oracle Zenpack

1. Install oracle Client on your zenoss server . The oracle client install should be with user zenoss so you don’t have issue with oracle library issue . ( use the latest client like 11g , I have seen some bugs on 10g with oci.dll which stop querying the database after 200 days of uptime )

2. Copy the attach script check_health_oracle to $ZENHOME/checkoracle/plugins-scripts and set the executable permission to it .

3. Ask your dba to create a user zenoss and password zenoss . I have set the template with same user and same password you can change it if you like

4. Ask him to grant the below roles

grant create session, connect, select on v_$sysstat, v_$session, v_$log, v_$instance, sys.dba_free_space, sys.dba_data_files to zenoss ;

5. When you define the tnsnames or oracle client set it as below . I have set the tnsnames as the devicename










6. Install the attach zenpack .

7. this will create a Organizer /device/server/oracle , if you need to attach the same to your Linux boxes just copy the template and copy to linux and attach multiple template to it .

Below things can be monitored using this zenpack .










